
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Post with Clearing: SAP SOD (segregation) transactions conflicts matrix

ID="FB05 vs F vs 22 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter customer invoice (FB05 vs F vs 22) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 27 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter customer credit memo (FB05 vs F vs 27) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs FB70 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter outgoing invoice (FB05 vs FB70) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs FB75 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter outgoing credit memos (FB05 vs FB75) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs FBV0 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Post parked document (FB05 vs FBV0) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs FBVB Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Post parked document (FB05 vs FBVB) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF01 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Create billing document (FB05 vs VF01) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF02 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Change billing document (FB05 vs VF02) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF04 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Process billing due list (FB05 vs VF04) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF06 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Batch billing (FB05 vs VF06) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF11 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Cancel billing document (FB05 vs VF11) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF21 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Create invoice list (FB05 vs VF21) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VF22 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Change invoice list (FB05 vs VF22) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs VFX3 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs List blocked billing documents (FB05 vs VFX3) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs F vs 22 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter customer invoice (FB05_OLD vs F vs 22) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs F vs 27 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter customer credit memo (FB05_OLD vs F vs 27) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs FB70 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter outgoing invoice (FB05_OLD vs FB70) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs FB75 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Enter outgoing credit memos (FB05_OLD vs FB75) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs FBV0 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Post parked document (FB05_OLD vs FBV0) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs FBVB Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Post parked document (FB05_OLD vs FBVB) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF01 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Create billing document (FB05_OLD vs VF01) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF02 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Change billing document (FB05_OLD vs VF02) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF04 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Process billing due list (FB05_OLD vs VF04) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF06 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Batch billing (FB05_OLD vs VF06) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF11 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Cancel billing document (FB05_OLD vs VF11) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF21 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Create invoice list (FB05_OLD vs VF21) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VF22 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs Change invoice list (FB05_OLD vs VF22) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05_OLD vs VFX3 Conflict"     DESCRIPTION="Post with clearing vs List blocked billing documents (FB05_OLD vs VFX3) Conflict"      SCORE="70"
ID="FB05 vs F110"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Parameters for Automatic Payment"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 26"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Incoming Payment Fast Entry"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 28"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Post Incoming Payments"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 29"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Post Customer Down Payment"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 34"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Post Collection"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 36"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Bill Of Exchange Payment"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 46"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Reverse Refinancing Acceptance"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs F vs 52"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Post Incoming Payments"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH3"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Void Checks"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH4"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Renumber Checks"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH5"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Create Checks Information"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH6"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Change Check Information/Cash Check"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH7"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Reprint Check"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH8"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Reverse Check Payment"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCH9"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Void Issued Check"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHD"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Delete Payment Run Check Info."     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHE"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Delete Voided Checks"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHF"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Delete Manual Checks"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHG"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Delete cashing/extract data"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHR"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Online Cashed Checks"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHT"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Change check/payment allocation"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs FCHX"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Check Extract  vs  Creation"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs PFCG"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Activity Group Maintenance"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SM01"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Lock Transactions"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SM19"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Basis Audit Configuration"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SM20"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs System Audit Log"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SM59"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SU01"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Maintain Users"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SU02"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Maintain Authorization Profiles"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SU03"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Maintain Authorizations"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SU10"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Mass Changes to User Master"     SCORE="90"
ID="FB05 vs SU12"    DESCRIPTION="Post with Clearing vs Mass Changes to User Master Records"     SCORE="90"