Transactions |
Description |
SM59 vs
F.13 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA44 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Actual Overhead: Sales Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA88 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Actual Settlement: Sales Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME57 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Assign and Process Requisition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME56 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Assign Source to Purch. Requisition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME59 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Automatic Generation of Pos SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-36
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Bill Of Exchange Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA90 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Billing Request for Actual Costs SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VD05 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Block Customer (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FK05 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Block Vendor (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XK05 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Block vendor (centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MK05 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Block Vendor (Purchasing) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VKM1 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Blocked SD Documents SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VF11 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Cancel billing document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR08 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Cancel Invoice Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR8M |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Cancel Invoice Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VF02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Billing Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH6 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Check Information/Cash Check SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change check/payment allocation SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VK12 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Condition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME32K |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Contract SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA42 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Contract SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-51
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Cust. Price SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-83
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Cust/Mat Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-79
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FD02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Customer (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XD02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Customer (Centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VD02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Customer (SD) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XD07 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Customer Account Group SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FD32 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Customer Credit Management SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FB02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR2M |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Invoice Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FB09 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Line Items SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-75
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Material Price Grp Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-43
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Material Price SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MM02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Material SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FBV2 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Parked Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-91
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change PGrp/Mat Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-87
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-71
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Price Group Disc/Surch SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-47
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Price List SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME22 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Purchase Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME52 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Purchase Requisition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VBO2 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Rebate Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FBD2 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Recurring Entry SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Sales Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME32L |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Scheduling Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA32 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Scheduling Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
AC02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Service SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs FK02
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Vendor (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XK02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change vendor (centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MK12 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Vendor (Purchasing) planned SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MK02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Vendor (Purchasing) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XK07 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change vendor account group SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FBL2 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Change Vendor Line Items SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Check Extract vs Creation SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-32
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Clear Customer SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-54
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Clear Vendor Down Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-44
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Clear Vendor SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME55 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Collective Release of Purchase Reqs. SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VF01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Billing Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-11
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create carrier SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH5 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Checks Information SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VK14 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Condition with Reference SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VK11 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Condition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VK15 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Condition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-06
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Consignee (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME31K |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Contract SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA41 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Contract SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FD01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Customer (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XD01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Customer (Centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VD01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Customer (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-12
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Customer Hierarchy Nodes SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-04
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Invoice Recipient (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MI08 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create List of Differences with Doc. SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MM01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Material vs General SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-07
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create one vs time customer (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-09
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create ordering party (Centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-03
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Ordering Party (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-08
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Payer (Centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-05
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Payer (Sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME25 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create PO with Source Determination SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME21 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Purchase Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME51 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Purchase Requisition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VBO1 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Rebate Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs V-01
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Sales Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Sales Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME31L |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Scheduling Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VA31 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Scheduling Agreement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
AC01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Service SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME27 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Stock Transfer Order SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FK01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Vendor (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XK01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Vendor (Centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MK01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Create Vendor (Purchasing) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
F.34 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Credit Management vs Mass Changes SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec. SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VDH1 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs FCHG
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Delete cashing/extract data SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR5M |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Delete Invoice Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Delete Manual Checks SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Delete Payment Run Check Info. SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Delete Voided Checks SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Credit Memo SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR1G |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Incoming Credit Memo SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR1M |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Incoming Invoice SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Invoice SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-42
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Transfer Posting SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-41
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Vendor Credit Memo SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-43
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Enter Vendor Invoice SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-26
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Incoming Payment Fast Entry SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FB10 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Invoice/Credit Fast Entry SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VFX3 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs List Blocked Billing Documents SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME34K |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain Contract Supplement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR11 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME24 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain Purchase Order Supplement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME38 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME34L |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ML81 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Maintain Service Entry Sheet SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FD06 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctg) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VD06 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Mark Customer For Deletion (sales) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FK06 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Mark Vendor for Deletion (Accounting) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
XK06 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Mark vendor for deletion (centrally) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MK06 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Mark Vendor for Deletion (Purchasing) SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Online Cashed Checks SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME58 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Ordering: Assign Requisitions SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
F110 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Parameters for Automatic Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-59
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Payment Request SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-34
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Collection SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-29
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Customer Down Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MB01 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Goods Receipt for PO SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MB0A |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Goods Receipt for PO SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-28
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Incoming Payments SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-52
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Incoming Payments SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-53
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Outgoing Payments SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FBV0 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Parked Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-48
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post Vendor Down Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-04
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post with Clearing SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-51
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post with Clearing SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FB05 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Post with Clearing SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MR02 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Process Blocked Invoices SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
MI07 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Process List of Differences SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VB(7 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Rebate Agreement Settlement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VB(D |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Rebate Agreement Settlement SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
V.25 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Release Customer Expected Price SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
V.23 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Release Orders for Billing SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME54 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Release Purchase Requisition SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
VKM2 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Released SD Documents SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH4 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Renumber Checks SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH7 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Reprint Check SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Reset Cleared Items SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH8 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Reverse Check Payment SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FB08 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Reverse Document SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs F-46
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Reverse Refinancing Acceptance SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
ME37 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Stock Transport Scheduling Agmt. SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH3 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Void Checks SCORE=90 |
SM59 vs
FCH9 |
RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) vs Void Issued Check SCORE=90 |